首屆 「Summer Pop - Live in Hong Kong」將於今年夏天盛大舉行。屆時超過80位中港台及亞洲歌手、樂隊組合,將於這場「香港人的音樂會」中聚首一堂,傾力獻唱香港及亞洲等地不同年代膾炙人口的歌曲,令現場充滿嘉年華色彩,定能為您帶來極盡視聽之娛的精采演出。
This summer, Hong Kong will stage the first-ever 'Summer Pop' – Live in Hong Kong.
Organized and produced by the Performing Industry Association (Hong Kong) Limited and presented by the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB), this two-day music festival will be held at Asia World-Expo with relay performances by more than 80 guest performers, including singers and bands.
出席歌手 (Singers) ;
At 17, EO2, Hot Cha, Joey Tong, Rubber Band, Soler,
小肥, 光良, 汪明荃, 狄易達, 何韻詩, 泳兒, 吳雨霏, 吳浩康,莫文尉, 吳國敬, 周柏豪, 周筆暢, 洪卓立, 側田,草猛, 五月天,容祖兒, 許志安, 梁漢文, 陳松伶, 陳柏宇, 陳偉霆, 張惠妹, 張智霖, 張敬軒, 張衛健……
More details: www.summerpop.hk